“We need to remember across generations that there is as much to learn as there is to teach.” Gloria Steinem
For the first time in history, five generations will be working side by side. Now more than ever organizations must educate their leaders and employees on how to manage and utilize the varying work styles, skill sets and perspectives of each generation. This course was created with the understanding that, in order to maximize full potential, employees from all generations must take on the responsibility to overcome the generational differences and bridge the gaps. Therefore, in this course, participants take a look at life through the lens of each generation and learn strategies to identify, manage and benefit from the differences.
This course was built upon the recognition that we are all products of our times, understanding factors such as education, values and work ethic vary between each generational culture. Instead of drawing lines of division, this course works to develop an understanding of where these differences stem from. In doing so, participants are exposed to the benefit of listening to and learning from these variables to better cultivate employee engagement and collaborative culture.
The course provides participants with the knowledge they need to better understand, respect and collaborate with their cross-generational team members and coworkers. Participants learn that by letting go of assumptions, we often learn these generational gaps are not always as wide as they first appear and that generational stereotypes do not apply to all. For the gaps that do exist, however, this course equips participants with learning tools geared at encouraging intergenerational communications, highlighting the benefit of working together to showcase individual strengths.
Key takeaways from this course include:
The benefit of intergenerational communication; highlighting the strengths of individuals to maximizing the potential of the organization
Send us your name and telephone number so we can discuss this course in more detail.